This Woman's Breasts Change Based On The Age Phase

This Woman's Breasts Change Based On The Age Phase - As you get older, changes occur in a woman's body, especially the breast. According to this there is the following description of breast changes women based on the phases of the age.

In their twenties, women's breast size can vary. "Breast size can be changed in line with the rise or fall of any weight," said Lisa Jacobs, M.D., Professor of surgery at Johns Hopkins Medicine, United States.

In addition, women also experienced phases of pregnancy on the range of the mid and late twenties, so any enlarged breast size due to increasing weight and feeding factors. Then, after passing through a phase of breastfeeding, breast size will usually shrink back or enlarged compared to before getting pregnant.

"Pregnancy also makes the color of the areola darkens and engorged nipples. However, both conditions will return to the original condition after childbirth, "said Dr. Jacobs.

In their thirties, the skin on the breast area will begin to stretch due to the rise and fall of weight during pregnancy. As a result, often emerging signs of stretch marks in the area of the breast. The emergence of signs of stretch marks is quite significant if you have weight problems.

In her forties, a change in the breast is more influenced by factors of menopause because her ovaries no longer produce estrogen a lot. In this phase, said Jacobs, the muscles in the breast was replaced by soft fats. During change, Jacobs recommends that regularly consult a physician.

"We are convinced the woman that checked independently or are routinely checked himself into doctors, so they know exactly how the changes that occur in the breast," explains Jacobs.

In addition to a woman's breasts change based on the phases of the age, the elasticity of your breasts can be reduced due to the collagen that maintains the elasticity of the diminished. Not only that, breast density began to weaken. "This is one reason why mamogram is highly recommended after age 40 years due to stepping on a doctor can devise methods to hampering breast density is reduced," said Jacobs.

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